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Entries Dated Monday, 31 March 2014
The dangers seem to grow with every marc and the days are darkening from fear of the unknown.

It is with great hope that the most recent update to the Battle Orders that the lines of communication during assaults and attacks will flow more smoothly. Of course, every adventurer has their freedom of choice when it comes to how and when they report status of these raids. They were all calling for better communication, so now time will tell if this helps.

The assaults on Branishor have been most disturbing. I heard that Jensen had some trouble as well. Oddly, I ran across an Enormous Sand Beetle north of Milltown today. Why would such a seemingly mindless beast go from the beaches south of Dundee all the way to the Endless Desert? My instinct tells me it was running from something. It is one more reason to remain most vigilant.

It seems that many people are just as busy repairing the damage from the latest attacks as trying to fend them off. That is better than leaving it to remain broken, I suppose. The Gates of the Many were a huge success and set many at ease to see what we can accomplish together. Then it wasnt too long after the entrance to the rogue tunnels beneath the Iron Knight Keep was reinforced that there was more trouble and a complete collapse not much farther down. Troubles in the Magma Fissure under Dundee as well. I can only hope and pray that the gods have not turned a blind eye on our structural needs and the entire city does not fall into the pits of lava below. Surely not. Several are working on plans to repair or at least maintain what we have. I pray that Miranda smiles on their work. For me, I am a warrior and know little of such things. I would gladly help, where I could. As with the rogue tunnel reinforcement - if they need something heavy moved, it is the least I can do. Well, not the least... There is usually a good deal of fighting going on. I am much better at that.

I will need to ask Fleur what she makes of all of this. She always makes me look at things in a new light and it is then that can see the forest and the trees. I am a very lucky man to have her constant council and advice. She makes it too easy to fall in love again every time I see her. I havent heard from her since she went to visit my parents, but that is not unusual. My mother is constantly fussing about and I can only imagine what the two of them have to talk about at such lengths. I wonder if my father takes extended hunting trips when she visits without me, or if he dotes on her as well. I should like to visit soon. Perhaps when all of this settled and the Queen would not mind my taking a short leave.

I am glad to see that the Order has welcomed Cody into our ranks. With more and more patrols lately, it is good to have someone that the three of us can share the load with. He is dedicated and quite suited to the position, it seems. Although, from what I heard he has no more favor with Knight Macleon than the rest of us. Hopefully, he will be able to avoid swamp duty longer than Hojo and I did.

Note to self: Dont forget about the thistles.
Raffe posted @ 15:12 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Wednesday, 19 March 2014
It has been very hectic lately

It is hard to keep it from running all together.
Everyone was buzzing with News if Altitan. It was distracting, in hindsight. Everyone gathered on the ledge and I made it part of my regular patrols, just in case. For the most part, things have settled down there. It is nice to have the life monument back but the ledge is a lot more narrow than it used to be. As a note, the chasm is a lot more interesting from above - I do not recommend falling into it.
On the upside, all the buzz inspired Fleur into training for quite a few marcs. It was nice having her in the tombs. Much nicer than being alone down there.

And of course when all eyes were turning to Altitan, Milltown's northern gates were destroyed in a series of gruesome attacks. I do not blame them for be if afraid or unsettled, or angry or whatever they want to call it. It seems that Balthazar or whatever evil force is behind this is using Nrolav against us.

I wanted to tell them this is why we do not guard. They wouldn't have listened. I wanted to tell them that just staying at Milltown would not help. But being there seemed to make them feel better. That is the point after all, I guess. Not exactly what happens or what we are able to do in response, but how we feel about it in the end.

I should be getting back to my patrol. It was good to see the Queen returned from her journeys. She comforts the people.

Raffe posted @ 04:19 - Link - comments